Well... it's definitely been a while since I've done anything in my Craft Room but I have finally gotten my mojo back! I have made a quick 2 Day Folio that will be a free tutorial for those in my Bee A HappiCrafter Facebook Group! And I'm most excited about this project...
I had started a project back in June or July of 2021 then decided to list my house for sale thinking it would take forever to sell and DID'T! It sold within a month so I moved in February of 2022. Everything packed up and in a new location, got things organized and all ready to go and had a heck of a time getting in there and doing something!
I decided to do a little re-arranging which usually helps and what do ya know... it worked! I found my pages to the "big" project and decided to downsize the individual project into 3 projects!
The above photos are the first one I've completed! I called it the My Heart Album and I am actually adding photos of all my loved ones! This will also be the first album I have photos in so I'm super excited about that!!
XL Notepad Holder by Your Book of Memories
I have made a project originally done by Frances of Your Book of Memories, her XL Notepad Holder that I used the GORGEOUS paper by Graphic 45 called Let It Bee. I think I could have 10 collections and it still not be enough!!
I am super excited cause I found more Notepads so I can make more now!!
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