Yesterday was a good day! I've had the Picture Perfect Birthday set for a while and never got around to using it, that changed this weekend! I saw the ones that Patty Bennett did and I just fell in love with them! She does amazing work, check out her website.
I did 2 variations of a shaker card, the one in the back is more flat for better mailing and the one in the front is raised so not a good card for the mail 😂
This is a pretty straight forward and fairly simple card so there is no real direction to give. For the flatter card, I just cut the window sheet and the Whisper White CS to the same size and taped the edges together with Washi Tape.
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I did 2 variations of a shaker card, the one in the back is more flat for better mailing and the one in the front is raised so not a good card for the mail 😂
This is a pretty straight forward and fairly simple card so there is no real direction to give. For the flatter card, I just cut the window sheet and the Whisper White CS to the same size and taped the edges together with Washi Tape.
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