Fast Fun Inserts 4 (I think)
I am totally loving Kathy King's projects, she truly is a crafting genius and I will admit, I am hooked!! 😀 I have done a few of her projects so far, smaller ones and 1 Album... I made the My Design Mini Album and have now purchases another 2 tutorial which will give me 5 albums to make.
I'm not even a scrapbooker 😂 they are just so much fun!!
Well... enough rambling...
Is this not an awesome looking project or what!!? I am just loving this DSP, the Let It Snow DSP is going to by one that I have a billion packages of so I can use it for projects to come. I know there will be lots so I need to have paper and I just love the colors in it 😉
To have access to this project, you can find it on her website and it is the CVM - Classroom Video Membership. I will definitely be getting that soon. It's a 1 time payment which gives you access for 1 year, after that, you purchase again.
This is just what I did from memory after watching her LIVE on Wednesday creating this cool project! The measurements will be way out in left field as I just did them to how big I wanted it 😀
From what you see here... which is not the project in full as you can not see the 3 inserts in the back! They pull out and have a layout of photos and DSP to make it look pretty. There is still room to add more photos but as it sits right here, there is room for 18 smaller photos but you can certainly add more photo mats in the back and even in the pockets & tuck spots up front.
I just can't say enough how fun her projects are to make!! Her instruction is so easy to follow and she has tons of video if you need a little assistance 😉 I watch her LIVE on YouTube when she is on Wednesday & Friday evenings.
😃 Happy
Crafting 😃
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